Monday, October 10, 2011

Time Flies When You're Keeping Busy

It has been exactly one month since I officially became a Joshua Wilderness Institute student. Honestly it feels as though I have only been here for a couple weeks. Starting next week, we will all be heading to Hartland Christian Camp (only 90-minutes down the hill) for a 4-day service project, and then 2-weeks after that we will be heading to Mexico. Right after Mexico, we will be on Thanksgiving break, and then we come back to a few weeks of basic work, and then we visit the Dominican Republic for 2-weeks in January. And the trips continue after...

Needless to say, this year is picking up speed. In the 4-weeks I have been here, I have worked in the dish room, I waited tables, and I worked in the Creative department putting my knowledge on photography and online journalism into practice. In addition we have all been busy with homework provided by Moody Bible Institute. Currently we are going over Elements of Bible Study. Although the work is tedious and the requirements are consistent, we are all learning a lot from taking the class.

We have had a couple new guest speakers since my last blog post. In these past couple weeks we have discussed the importance of direct Hebrew translations when reading the Bible. My eyes have been opened to the reality that as Christians, we can read the Bible all we want, but without knowing the context of it all and the original meaning behind certain terms and phrases, we are more than likely not understanding the text in the way God intended it. It is a harsh reality, but it is a reality that encourages me to look deeper into the Word instead of taking it at surface level.

In addition we have been discussing spiritual gifts and their significance, which has been a blast!

There is so much more I could say, but so little time to say it. The most important idea I want to express though, is that I am content and at peace with where God has me. Just when I think my brain and my heart can't comprehend anymore about the Word of God or His personality, He proves me wrong by revealing more and more to me on a daily basis.

The ultimate challenge will be putting everything I learn into practice, and portraying everything I have learned and will learn in a way that others will understand and be encouraged by.

The Lord is good. He is my Rock and my Salvation. And He works everything out for His good.

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Rock Tumbler

I have officially been a Joshua Wilderness Institute student for 4 days now. And let me tell you, it has been 4 of the most intense days of my life. Not because we have been working non-stop, or suffering from sleep deprivation, but because in 4 days...I repeat, FOUR days, I have learned more about God than I have in the past year. Sam Meier is our guest speaker for the first 2-weeks of JWI, and he is incredible. He is teaching us what it means to be a "seer" that sees from God's perspective, and not our own. We have all taken a trip down the road of being completely MIND BLOWN by what Sam has to say...ideas and perspectives we have never really understood before.

Pastor Brad Bell from The Well in Fresno also came up for a day to teach us on the Old Testament. In 2-hours we covered general/historical information from Genesis to Nehemiah. Dude. Crazy stuff. To be honest I have never been that interested in the O.T. in my life!

God is good. He is already starting to rock my world up here and shape me in ways I never thought I needed to be shaped. Rich Ferreira likes to say that JWI is like a rock tumbler. We all enter the program with rough and sharp edges, and by the end of the year, after living with the same 55 other students and working like crazy, we will be smoother...a new creation.

Until next time (soon hopefully), grace and peace.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's Almost Time

In just one week, my JWI adventure will begin. I don't think I have been this nervous, excited, joyous and scared about anything so far in my 18-years of life. I have also never been this confident that I am exactly where God wants me to be. I will be faced with challenges and hardships that I have never experienced before, and my faith, integrity and patience will be tested on a daily basis. The work-load is tremendous and sleep deprivation is a given. I will be expected to memorize the entire book of Philippians before March of 2012 (as a pass or fail grade on my memorization test determines whether or not I go on the 2-week Israel expedition). In addition I will be away from my family and friends for extended periods of time, which has always been something I struggle to cope with.

Needless to say, this is going to be one of the hardest things I will ever do during my time on Earth, but in the same way it is going to be one of the best things I will ever do.

The picture above is of the JWI facility I will be living in for the majority of my time as a Joshua student. For an awesome tour of the inside of the building, check out the link below.

I am so blessed to have been given this opportunity to attend a program such as the Joshua Wilderness Institute. Now, I just need prayer that I will be able to accomplish everything I am expected to do, and more! And that I will be open and willing to listen and obey everything the Lord convicts me of and speaks in to my life. Lord, I am ready. Teach me everything You want me to know.

Grace and peace,